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Escape Room H2O

This was my first ever large project in the videogame industry. I was in charge of the whole project, and I received the help of some other awesome starting professionals.

The game was created for all young people studying with the Marists in Spain as part of the "Children's Rights" project, so that they could all enjoy it.


The game was produced in three months and the objective was to introduce children to their rights, and it was awesome to participate in such a beautiful thing as it is the education process.



Game Jams

The Workfinders
Neon Games
neon games.png
He Repeats
Chess 2

Videogame Association


During my second year in University I was offered the oportunity of being the president of the Videogame Association. Our Web Page was also developed by us using Python and Flask.


In the association we do mainly three different things:

- We have got a Game Development Team 

- We make Twich Podcast with Videogame News

- We host Videogame Tournament



  • YouTube
  • 03-glitch
  • discord
  • Instagram

Robotic proyects

Arcade Machine

This proyect consists in a Panel powered by an Arduino Uno and a RGB strip. 


It also has a battery wich allows the panel to work without need of be connected to external current.

IOT prototype

I have made an arcade machine with a few classmates and a Raspberry Pi for a competition about informatics and robotics in the 4th of ESO among the schools of La Salle Madrid sector and I won.

16x16 RGB Panel

This prototype is a small demostration of how IOT is changing the world.


With an ESP8266 board like this Wemos D1, IFTT, Adafruit.IO and Google Assistant we can make this led blink with our voice.


This is just an example of what we can do, with this proyect ideas in a larger scale we can automate all kind of  things using sensors and other elements 

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